Saturday, October 3, 2009

How long do we have?

Going to have to bring you down for a minute or two with a surprisingly bleak post. I'm raising the question "How long do humans have left." It's been playing on my mind a decent bit so I'm throwing it out to you loyal readers.

The way I see it, there's so many different ways that we are going to die it's ridiculous.
Gamma-ray bursts, Asteroids, black holes, super volcano, diseases, global warming, biotech disasters, Nanotechnology disasters, World War, Ai Taking Over, Aliens, divine intervention, ice ages, just to name a few.

It's quite depressing to think about but in my opinion we have very little time left. The rate we advance technology wise is unimaginable. We've moved so far in the space of 20 years its only a matter of time before we create something that destroys us.

Lets get some discussion going, in your opinion:
How long do humans have?
Whats going to take us out?


  1. i reckon a black hole might take us out. but an ice age is possible if we keep up with the carbon emissions going up in the air. OR technology takes over humans, like robots/machines kill us.

    don't know how long we have though.

  2. I read about this in a Cosmos...

    Gamma Ray Bursts: NASA predicts that the damaging bursts occur once every billion years; last one happened 500 million years ago.
    Asteriods: Estimated occurence of every 100 million years; last one happened 65 million years ago (the asteriod that killed the dinosaurs)
    Black Holes: Not sure, but probably only if the Sun goes supernova or what not.
    Supervolcano: Not due for another for several million years.
    Global warming: Occuring at the moment.
    Biotech disasters: unclear.
    Nanotech disasters: unclear.
    WW: Maybe.
    AI Take-Over: Unlikely.
    Aliens: Highly unlikely.
    Divine Intervention: Unlikely.
    Ice Age: Maybe.

    How long do we have? I'd give it under a few million years, maybe tens of thousands.
    *shrugs* Long though.

    What will take us out? Probably us and our technology. But maybe our tech will save us.
    Who knows.

  3. If theres one thing Apocalpyse Now taught us its that the world will not end with a bang, but with a whimper.

    "This is the way the fucking world ends. Look at this fucking shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm fucking splitting"

    In my opinion, the world has been "ending" for a long time. Humans are clearly on there way out.

    There won't be an exact date, no climactic finale, no huge explosions, just the bitter realization that somewhere along the way we fucked up and lost what makes us human.

  4. I'm guessing it's going to be sooner rather than later. Most likely during our lifetime aswell.

  5. i agree with finn, humans are slowly killing themselves as is.
    But as for any definitive end to the world, i think climate change and eventually something like an ice age will eventually fuck us over.
    If anyones seen The Day After Tomorrow, i think thats a fairly likely scenario, just in a less dramatic and more drawn out fashion

  6. I hope it isn't.
    Don't want to die because of world ending.
    Maybe Autobots will save us.
    Like the opposite of Galactus from Marvel.
    So he makes worlds. And we can go live on tehm. :D
    We could get our tech level up so we can hyperdrive.

  7. I doubt humanity will be around to witness an ice age, we're already well under way in killing our selves. Nuclear war is always lurking around the corner and AI taking over is a worrying prospect.

  8. Haven't the world leaders like banned nuclear weapons or something? That should help lessen the Nuclear War threat.
    AI, we're not that progressed in AI tech, are we? ._.

  9. i dont think war could completely wipe us out, coz there's gotta be a winner doesnt there? and i cant see AI taking over tbh

  10. I just can't shake the feeling that we can create but not contain. We created the atom bomb,now we're perfectly capable and likely to create something much worse.

  11. But Artificial Intelligence?
    That's a huge HUGE HUGE step from atom bombs.
    It's like... creating life. Sorta.

  12. We'll make AI capable of thought once that happens it's only a matter of time before they turn against us.

  13. i really cant see us ever making AI capable of truly independant thought

  14. We almost have. We've got Ai capable of running our train systems and advancements are made all the time

  15. yes but AI is built and based on rules and algorithms and whatnot. It could never be independant

  16. my bet is a mass suicide after too much speculation of how the world will end

  17. Riley has pretty much got it right.

    Anyways, we aren't even close to making with TRUE indipendant thought (I looked into once on a bored sunday). Jordan has seen too many 3-star action/sci-fi movies.

    We have already created things we can't contain, our whole way of life is not sustainable.

  18. To destroy our entire world is to simply destroy oneself.

    "Solipsism is the phylisophical idea that one's own mind is all that exists. The external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist."

    Therefore, since the world can only exist within one's own mind, the only conscious form of life that can be proved to be plausible and definitively 'real', destruction of oneself is in turn destruction of the entire world.

  19. Eventually the Earth will die. The sun's energy will not last forever. for a billions of years yes. but the sun will die out.

    Unless someone can invent something that can take us to different dimensions or a time machine.

    AI is built by people. AI can not be independent at all. But can be controlled by someone who can use it for evil.

  20. the earth is moving closer to the sun every year so sooner or later it'll burn and there'll no longer be a planet suitable for life, unless ppl do something abt mars etc

  21. Asians don't seem to be able to look at it from the bigger picture.

    There IS no reality, all we see is what our mind perceives to be reality. Our minds have the power to completely emulate the world (dreams are a good example of this).

    How long do we have? As long as my conciousness lives on.

  22. wat if ur brain dead but still alive

  23. dont worry jordan my apocolypse store will supply all your end of the world needs.
