Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Mysterious Case Of Mr.Lynch

Deep in the Modern Historian Wilderness there is a certain creature, I am referring to of course, The Lynch. Mr.Lynch is of Lyncian descent and is characterizable by a prominent moustache.

It spends it's time reminiscing of 'the old days' and being hilarious. I decided to investigate the "Lynch" and document my findings alongside my caddy Rhys.

11:15:00: We wait for Mr.Lynch to get to class
11:15:02: He runs up the stairs crying 'I'm late! I'm Late'
11:15:12: In a matter of life or death he fumbles with his key in the door.
11:15:48 Sits down and then admits he is confused
11:15:50 Remembers he has a class to teach, leans on his hands and whispers his devilish intentions (taking notes out of a book)
11:16:12 Gets off topic and starts talking about old ladies.
11:17:15 Discusses Nazi propaganda
11:18:03 Sighed.
11:18:59 Cracks a joke, much to the disapproval of the classroom
11:20:30 Talks about soccer hooligans.
11:21:05 Made jokes about elderly goths
11:21:30 Flails arms wildly, talking about conformity and Nazi Propaganda
11:21:50 Reminisces of the 'warm fuzzy feeling' the Nazi propaganda brought.
11:23:20 Talked about Pink Floyd
11:24:45 Flails arms again, talking about beating up Nazis
11:25:02 Freezes, mid sentence and puts hands on head. Motionless.
11:25:05 Starts talking about Lord of The Flys
11:26:15 Trying to liven up the class, The Lynch starts making rapid hand gestures
11:28:05 Yells about PROPAGANDA whilst pounding on desk with fists!
11:28:10 The pounding caused a mouse to fall of the computer screen. Lynch stares down the mouse, declaring war on it.
11:28:25 Verbally assaults Suad, Andrew and Rhys.
11:28:40 Mocks Andrew. *The mocking and assaults are Mr.Lynch asserting dominance over the class room in the same way a gorilla does*
11:29:01 Teases Deborah before staring evilly at a near by group of girls
11:29:10 Randomly yells at everyone on the other side of the classroom.
11:29:20 Takes the piss out of Jordan
11:29:25 Yells at the group of girls
11:29:32 Initiates his barbaric sound of war, "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
11:29:45 Mocks the group of girls again
11:29:50 Blames Deborah for everything
11:29:55 Sound of war again, SHHHHHHHHH
11:29:59 Tired after the onslaught against his students, Mr.Lynch leaves the room
11:30:05 SURPRISE! He pops back into the room, yells at Suad and then leaves again.
11:34:55 Re-enters the class, whips out his keys, laughs.
11:35:06 Talks about types of locks and then tells a story based on locks
11:35:59 Abuses Suad
11:36:12 Mocks girls
11:37:50 Tells Suad to 'shut up'
11:37:58 Sits down at his desk, shuffles papers and pretends to work
11:38:10 Searches for pen
11:39:25 Eventually finds pen and writes down secret Lynchy plans
11:39:30 Scratches ear. Returns to writing
11:39:40 Looks up, unleashes yet another SHHHHHHH.
11:40:02 Scratches head and then more writing
11:41:07 Suddenly sits very upright, Meerkat style, scanning the classroom.
11:41:10 Calls Suad names
11:41:15 Lynch rests the huge weight of his moustache on his hand, back to writing
11:45:27 Coughs
11:45:48 Coughs again
11:46:03 Coughs again! These coughs must be signals
11:46:22 Another cough, leading me to believe that the coughs are hidden signals to his secret Lynch Party Members
11:46:23 Points at girls
11:46:25 Surprises everyone with a fierce SHHHHHHH
11:46:30 Stares at Tiana and talks about future plans
11:46:45 Gets into a ferocious stance (feet firmly placed, muscles tensed) in order to talk down Suad.
11:47:10 SHHHH again, then shuts down Tom's evil plans
11:48:25 Puts on a Sean Connery voice and says "Thomas get on with ya work"
11:48:58 Tells Suad to work, then returns to his writing
11:49:10 Suggests that Tom should assault Jordan at lunch over at the soccer oval
11:49:38 He gets back to his writing
11:49:40 Puts pen in mouth before declaring war on the manufactured lights (which auto turned off). Opens the blinds in an attempt to prove man kind needs no electricity.
11:50:15 Patrols the room, observing the students before him
11:50:45 More writing
11:57:21 Taps on desk exactly three times. (More secret signals I presume)
11:58:10 Stares down Tom, calls him a tubby telly and then a telly tubby
12:02:39 Surprised look when a random sound is played through a nearby computer
12:02:40 In response to the sound, he makes a better sound "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", imitating a ghost
12:03:05 Mocks girls again
12:04:07 Coughs
12:05:09 Verbally attacks me before heading for the door. I loose track of him.

That is my well documented observations of Mr Lynch during Modern History. I felt it was necessary to break down his actions further and so I made:

Mr Lynches Daily Actions (click for better quality)

Break it down and it's as follows:
30% of his time is spent teasing and mocking the students
24% is Random actions, such as declaring war on mice and objecting to electricity
14% is Off topic talk such as Old Ladies, Elderly Goths, Football hooligans and locks
12% is his monstrous war cry, SHHHHH
10% is scratching and coughing. (Secret signals.....)
8% is of course On topic talk.

With my impeccable research and fieldwork the puzzling behaviour of the Mr.Lynch in the Modern Historian Wilderness has been presented and analyzed.

Just one question remains.
What was he writing down? Nazi Plans, His life story, his favourite barbie movie? Who Knows.....


  1. HAHAHAHA wtf? that was soo random and freakin halarious

  2. Wow...so so true o_O

  3. that was funny! fantastic analysis and observations, you read him like a book.

  4. LOLZ.
    I wish Galvatron had a moustache.

  5. ha, i know all about the antics of Mr Lynch. My god he's hilarious, and he thinks i'm insane.

  6. ROFL. What a crap teacher. Yet, slightly lol in a good way!
