Monday, September 7, 2009

The lonely little laptop =(

You may remember a certain massacre of an xbox on this blog a while back, well I've got a pretty similar story coming up:

It starts off with a lonely laptop who just doesn't meet the grade. He's tried his hardest to perform like all the other computers but was born slow, error prone and generally bad. For years the little laptop did his job to the best of it's dreadfull ability but then one day a box arrived.....In this box was another computer.
"How can I compete with this new computer" Thought the lonely little laptop.
"It's bigger, faster and stronger!"

During the next week the little laptop found itself being pushed aside, neglected and even thrown into a cupboard. The new computer was king and the little laptop was soon forgotten.

Three weeks later I became aware of the lonely little laptops problems and decided to help!
Together the laptop and I went in search of a new career.

To start off with we tried gymnastics:

Here he is trying a backflip

Gymastics turned out not to be his thing. He couldnt quite complete a full flip and so we moved on. We tried Cricket next:

Here's the stud all ready to bat.

Teeing up to hit me for six (That's not hard)

He's misjudged that one, out for a duck.

I literally knocked his block off. My super human pace has split him in two.

Unfortunately the weather turned sour and we were forced to end the search for a new career.

The rain comes down, cutting our search short.
Not even god wanted this laptop to find a new life.

I decided I'd do the humane thing. Put the sucker down. Which I did with ruthless efficiency and very little elegance. I'll post the execution sometime soon.


  1. im not a fan of laptops, and that is understandable why u went ape on ur laptop and smashed it to smithereens! they are really slow and and always have something wrong with them.

    hahaha job searching with ur laptop.

    is that ur house in the last pic?

  2. Yeah thats my house. You wait till I post the rest of my adventure. Then you'll learn the true meaning of going ape.

  3. Nice story, but I can't help feeling bad for the laptop, rofl.

  4. Jordan has already started with the destruction of his new com ...

  5. i fixed it ^.^ and i learned from my mistakes. Never drag anything important across the screen repitedly.

  6. "Never drag anything important across the screen repitedly."

    that's genius
