Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The lonely little laptop (part two)

When I left you last, the Lonely Little Laptop was spiralling down a path of depression until I tried to move onto a new life path. Then it started to rain so I decided to put the lil' thing down.

It served me mediocrly over the years and now seemed the best time to put it out of it's misery.

This is where we left it.

Using Ninja skills learnt from Tonga and
Jewjitsu skills learnt from Zac
I snuck up on the unsuspecting Laptop.

And nailed the bitch with an axe.

There's no coming back from that.

The Little Laptop was no more. Certain regulations required me to autopsy the laptop to find the cause of its death. So I got out my trusty tools:

Not these. Screwdrivers are for chumps, I used something better:


The chisel did its job nicely and obliterated the laptop casing
revealing some shiny bits.

Snapped of some bits here.

I was instantly attracted to the orange bit which I spent
a good 10 minutes delicately trying to get. When I did get it wasn't
as good as it looked so I threw it away.

These bits looked important, so I snapped them off
but gently.

Here's the laptop telling me what to do, even after death:

But I showed it who was boss.

This was how I allocated space on my hard drive

By now I was bored so I looked down upon the mess I
had created.

The final resting place of The Lonely Little Laptop.

Autopsy Results: Clearly it died of natural causes. Nothing to do with being hit with a cricket ball or being axed.

And there you have it. The story of the Lonely Little Laptop. Quite a sad story, I might make it into a movie, who knows. I'm sure Samuel L Jackson will be in it, he's in everything.


  1. one day, your gonna die a horrible death by a laptop or some sort of machinery.

    you fully mutilated it. and tore it apart! that laptop will be avenged somehow... but until that day....

    nice axe by the way.

  2. ROFL 'Pictures of Respectable Women'

  3. Tonga is right.
    Terminators from DELL are going to beat you down.

    LOL AT JEWjitsu

  4. haha, yeah i lol'ed at the 'Pictures of Respectable Women'

  5. Terminators from Dell would break before they get to him
