Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Gloryous Day

To make up for the otherwise boring and uneventful holidays, life provided me with today which turns out to be entertaining to say the least.

It starts off at two in the morning with me dispensing the contents of my stomach into the toilet in the form of vomit. I'm assuming it was the expired coffee chill my boss gave me yesterday that made me sick but I'm not complaining, it was free. Several hours later I manage to convince myself to get out of bed, with my head aching and my stomach on the verge of another hurling. The next major event was one 'football match' Tonga organised where I found myself laying on the grass trying to stop my head hurting. Eventually after watching the Asians practice there ballet routine we went to a better park where we saw something worth blogging about. A flaming ball of car.
Enough said, enjoy the works of my sensational low resolution photography.

Difficult to see but that car's on fire, tyres popping, smoke bellowing and one man with a garden hose trying to save the day.

Australian Hot Rod

Our good friend Charles Shaltz wishes he had insurance.

The Local hero's show up.

Right time, right place. The chances of finding a burning car on the streets are pretty slim, unless you live in Iran.

So while all this is going on whats are friend Tonga doing? Flames are roaring, everyone's fixated on the burning wreckage, we look back and Tonga's there, playing Fifa on a DS. Fuck flaming cars he's up 3 - 0 against Adelaide FC

Once my handy camera work was done the Firemen approached Bryn.
"This man says he saw you through something at the car"
Bryn Shits. He wasn't shitting bricks, he was shitting houses.
"Nahhh way" Me, Mat, Bryn stutter back.
"Haha yeah I'm just kidding" Mr.Fireman replies.
Followed by a sigh of relief and then laughing at Bryn. Firemen, so mature.

There I am sitting in Andrews house playing Fifa thinking that the nothing can top the car fire. After losing to Finn I head down to Members Equity Stadium. Perty Glory vs Fulham. The first half was the best we've ever played and the crowd cheered the best they've ever cheered it was magnificent.

Warming up.

The first half goes in a flash, with the stand out points being; Everyone calling Mark Schwarzer a fat cunt and having him look back and shake his head in disappointment. Also chanting
"We hate Sydney FC"
"We hate Melboune too, Fucking Hate The Cunts"
"We hate Adelaide United but Glory we love you"
Good chant, especially when most of the 15,000 people there are signing along.

Coming back from half time we were expecting a goal, it was 1 - 0 to them but we'd played really well. It was not to be. The god's of England brought on the rains, torrential rains. Fulham used to the rain scored 4 more goals without conceding, making the score at full time 5-0. Theres few words that describe watching your team be slaughtered 5-0 at home, in the pouring rain. In our defense we didn't have a full squad and it's Fulham we were playing, the European giants, Fulham.

So the day's pretty full now, just want to get my shivering cold, soaking wet self onto the train and home for a nice warm shower. Not happening. I'm greeted at the train station by a mortal enemy, a filthy mackam. I stare him down, listening to the bad news he delivers.
"No trains."
For some reason they decided to work on the tracks. In the pouring rain. Leaving us Glory supporters with no train home. Fantastic.

Alright that's it. A pretty packed day, it really does make up for everything else that hasn't happened over the holidays.


  1. lucky that you have parents to pick you up :P
    i didn't see the fireman do that! damnn disappointed i missed it! nice blog jordan, but i believe you spell throw like this, not through :D

  2. interesting day, did you know Agam's step dad played with Hendrix?... Agam is so awesome...

  3. "Right time, right place. the chances of finding a burning car on the streets are pretty slim, unless you live in Iran"

    HAHAHA lulz. im pretty sure u could find one in iraq though.
    that fireman fucked with bryn pretty bad and lulz at tonga for his commitment to fifa.

    well done on the blog jordan.

  4. Fuck you Kia, you call us racist but look at what your saying?

    Enjoy your 68 year life expectancy you smelly persian. Also Iran has higher mortality rate.

    Shutup I'm allowed to be a hypocrit.

  5. honestly fin, stfu......

  6. fucking transperth and fucking transits fucking scum i telllls ya!

    anyway 'Good chant, especially when most of the 15,000 people there are signing along.'

    may fucking balls, the shed was singing and that was it, your in denial

  7. Members are wankersJuly 17, 2009 at 12:16 AM

    hush hush now henry, I may have been exagerating for effect.

  8. fuk u finn!! u smelly whore!
    kia hasnt said anything abt u, and u go diss him! go hav sex with rilay!

  9. So what if Kia didn't say anything about ME. He still made racist comments about Iraq which is really hypocritical because he hates it when people are racist towards Iran and goes on about how we should be more respectful and shit.

    Go have some holy war Kia.

  10. oi finn, FUK U!!
    who cares if hes racist towards his own country! thats his own fault for being hypocritical!! AND ur a little pussy as well, too chicken to fight andrew!


  11. I gave Agam an excellent start to his FIFA campaign! in 6 matches, I put his team in 1st place, six clean sheets, and over 40 goals scored, including 2 goals with a defender!

  12. oh yeah, I updated my blog today! sorry for no updates on blog,the last couple of days, been a bit busy!

  13. Finn: "racist comments towards Iraq"

    Onan: "if hes racist towards his own country"

    silly Onan doesn't understand words properly, Kia is from Iran

  14. r u a fuking douchebag finn? his own country is Middle East, and iran/iraq r in middle east u dumbass

  15. onanymous, I LOVE U!

  16. I wonder who onan is, clearly this person is hardcore as they hide behind a screen whilst insulting others -.-"
