Saturday, July 4, 2009

The story of a douche

From a selfish point of view I had a fairly good past few days. I'll start from the beginning.
Thursday night I get my report back and in it 4 c's and 2 d's so as you can imagine my parentals weren't amused. 8.00am the next day Mum comes into my room and tells me to get ready for school knowing it's the last day and no ones going. I want the day off to go to GG's with mates so I do the selfish act of sleeping in. This results in Mum saying I'm not going to Malaysia anymore followed by some heated words. Well this didn't stop me going to the city where we played a quick game of poker in the library. At 4.30 I get the phone call I've been dreading the whole day.
"Jordan where are you" Mum snaps.
"Your having a laugh" She replies in the angriest voice I've heard in a long time.
*She Hangs Up*

With that phone call buzzing through my brain and my friends parting ways I'm left with the decision of whether to go to Polina's with some other mates or to go home and face the music. Figuring that I'm in deep shit either way I go for the path that I'll enjoy so I hop on the train, destination Ashfield.

To start the night we played a little prank on our chum Finn. Knowing all to well that he hates general chit chat and aukward situation we set him up big time. He was a bit iffy on whether to go that night so I rang him up:
"Oi Finn you going to Polina's, we can play poker"
"k" (Or something similar, I can't remember)
"Cool, I'll be there in a bit."
When this phone call ended we plotted out some hiding spots, cleaned up the mess we made so it didn't look like we were there and waited for the knocking on the door. When Finn did knock, half an hour later we shat bricks and bolted for our hiding spots leaving Polina to do what can only be described as some fantastic acting. She answered the door stating that everyone else wasn't there yet. I'm sure you can imagine the look on Finn's face when he realises he's got a thrilling awkward few minutes ahead of him.
Polina begins with small talk, "You having a good holidays, done much today?"
"Yeah, Nah" He replies destroying all hopes of further small talk.
Finn then call's absolutely everyone, My phone goes off, Rileys goes off, alex's goes off which
he left on the table, luckily Polina was quick to react and claimed he left it behind a while ago. This situation goes on for about 15 minutes while everyone else is laughing there asses off in there hiding spots. After a while we got Polina to lure Finn into her room where he found us all humorously pretending to study. The laughing stopped when I realised I still had to call Mum and tell her I was staying out the night. She was fuming, I'd had the day off against her will, gone city without her knowing and know was staying the night out. She gave me the old "Do what ever, I don't care anymore" attitude before hanging up on me for the second time that day. I had to stay, poker was calling me.

The highlight of the night however was the biblical poker match we had though. 5 dollar buy in meant the winner earned a whopping 20 dollar profit. Started off pretty slowly at the 45 minute mark Riley was eliminated and went to sleep on a chair somewhere. At this stage i was doing quite nicely, I was chip leader by a decent margin and feeling quite comfortable. Oh how that changed over time. Two hours in fatigue kicks in, I'd been leaking chips for the last hour and a half, getting shit hand after shit hand but then Finally a good hand, I got myself a nice straight going. I raise, Andrew calls then re raises. I figure he's got shit all compared to me and call. He didn't have shit all. After an hour and a half of leaking chips I had my chance to earn back some back, Andrew was having not of it and beat me of course. This was just the first time Andrew would beat me that night, he did it three times and was ultimately my demise. Hurt by the loss to Andrew I went defensively, an hour passed and we were all getting tired. Finally a good hand for me but look who's challenging me it's Andrew again. I forget what hand's we had but he won again. And then the third time I had a good hand he beat me yet again. So here I was, I'd gone from chip leader to chip loser in roughly 6 hours and I, like everyone was exhausted. I had a mediocre hand but I decided I'd have to do something quickly. All in. I had 3 of a kind. Finn had 4 of a kind. Out goes Jordan. Still it was a fun game, Andrew ended up winning.

Andrew with all my money.

So this was the hardest part of the day, face the music and then work. I went home and showered but hadn't said anything to anyone. I needed a way to break the ice and talk to dad. For the first time in Michael Owen's life he became use full. He broke the ice for me by being in the headlines.
"Oi Jordan have you seen this? Michael's going to Man U" He said
Thanks to Michael Owen small talk started up and not a tone of hate was in his voice. I headed off for work and it was horrible. This was the most tired I'd ever been, you'd be surprised at how physically enduring 6 hours of poker actually is. I chugged through the day and returned home to sleep. Problem is I haven't talk to mum yet and it's becoming this big
awkward situation. I'm tying the ease my way back into the family method, I'll stay our of everyone's hair for a while, maybe have a star wars marathon in my room ^.^. Then I'll start coming out, more frequently until I'm part of the family again. Hopefully it goes to plan.

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