Monday, July 20, 2009

Get Involved.

Okay lets get straight down to business. Football season is nearly here (starts on the 8th for me but the 15th for everyone else.) So I want everyone to make a fantasy team. It'll be a good way to spark some football talk. Register, make your team and join the league with me and Henry in the code is 112813-77349, any troubles just ask, I'll sort them out quick smart.

Theres my team, click for better view.
I went fanboy in picking Gerrard and Torres but
Rooney and Tevez will pack heat throughout the season. Cahill, Shwatzer and Johnson
look good on paper but everyone else is dodgy (I ran out of money.) I'll definetly be making some changes before the season when my heads in the zone.

So come on hop to it I want to see teams from atleast Tonga, Kia, Riley


  1. sweet as bru
    i got a wicked ass team, gunna pwn u so hard

  2. my team looks good! My manager name is "Rock Lee" may the best manager win

  3. fuck you Kia

    How can it possibly be soccer season again?!?!!?

    It was soccer season like a month ago!!!

  4. fuck you finn! u whore!

  5. finn, id like to see u and throw a swing at me. do it if u got the balls.

  6. finn is too fucking chicken to fight anyone, he won't do anything cos hes a pussy!

  7. Throw a whole swing at you Kia? Those things hurt with all the chains and stuff. And what if I hit your nose? It would get even bigger!!

  8. Anonymous I'm kind of a pacifist. And your the pussy for not revealing your identity.

  9. fuk u finn! i become anon cos ur always hating on kia and rilay!

    ur a fuking pussy! all u do is hide behind a screen and call rilay "ur gay" or kia, "fuk u kia, or ur a smelly arab".

    the reason i hide behind a screen, cos i'm defending kia, and rilay from u being a fag to them u insensitive prick! they don;t do anything to u and u just diss them.

    thats right Im RAGING HARDCORE!

  10. finn, u know what i mean. a swing as in a punch. ur all talk and no show

  11. Oh wow Anon, for one, when was the last time I called Riley gay on this thing? Search the archives.

    Anon, you are the one hiding behind a screen. At least I actually have an identity.

    Your defending Kia? You never actually defend Kia, you just use it as an excuse to flame at me.

    Why would I want to throw a swing at you Kia? Havn't you learned from the Holy war or whatever that violence doesn't solve problems?

  12. fin do u not have a life????

    i bet ur just sitting at computer on all three blogs constantly refreshing waiting for me to say something, so can talk shit like u always do.

    and wat fuckin holy war???? most muslims hate those dumbasses. but i guess u wouldnt no that since ur obviously too narrow minded and stupid. and btw, just becuase u come from the same region as a bunch of idiots doesnt mean u are one.

  13. lol Kia, I usually check Jordan's blog and Tonga's blog once a day, sometimes not more a few days.

    "just because u come from the same region as a bunch of idiots doesnt mean u are one" Thats not entirely true, some of there idealogy will always rub onto you.

    Also fuck you Kia

  14. and how so?? no one in the middle east likes them. and since u said "Thats not entirely true, some of there idealogy will always rub onto you" that must mean
    those skin head and neo-nazi ideaoligies have rubbed on to you.

    people have their own idealogies, their merely influenced. and it depends how strong their beliefs are. besides i dont even like muslims or afghans or iraqi's much. so i dont know wtf ur problem is.

    and yes, wat i said is entirely true. id like to see you prove otherwise. with cold hard facts and evidence.

    oh btw, Go fuck yourself. ur really annoying.

  15. Well Kia... to begin with skin heads are british and neo-nazis are American... and there are like none of them anyways

    You also proved my point, people are influenced by other people's idealogies... THAT IS WHY YOU HATE AFGHANS AND MUSLIMS AND IRAQIS derrrrrrrp.

    What you said isn't true... and you didn't use evidence... YOU are my evidence...

    oh btw, go fuck yourself

  16. no their not u fuckin idiot. ive seen both here. u have them all over the world. you have neo-nazi's in freakin israel.

    u donteven know y i shiate muslims. ive had presonal expiriences with muslims that makes me dislike some of them. afghans are like mexicans in iran and we had a war with iraq. i dislike afghans and iraqi's not hate. the shit my family went through, u probably wouldnt know about. hate and dislike are two diffrent things. my uncle was poisoned at the age of two because he was baha'i, i was denied education for the same reason. my father was beaten, yep u guessed it, becuase he was baha'i. and there "justified" reason was, ur religion is a fake....

    and how did i prove ur point???? i said that people are influenced u said "some of their ideaoligy will always rub unto you" which means u adopt theirs. people make up theior own minds on what they believe.
